Warm clothes that are suitable for running and climbing.
Clothes may get messy with water and paint.
White shirt/ polo shirt
Blue sweatshirt with school logo
Grey trousers/shorts/
Pale blue gingham/checked summer dress.
White leggings
White shirt/ polo shirt
Purple sweatshirt with school logo
Grey trousers/shorts/
Pale blue gingham/checked summer dress.
White leggings
White shirt/ polo shirt
Red sweatshirt with school logo
Grey trousers/shorts/
Pale blue gingham/checked summer dress.
White leggings
Wellington boots on wet days
Black or white socks
Black shoes – not trainers or boots
Black or white socks
Black shoes – not trainers or boots
Shoes must be lace-up for boys
Black or white socks
Black shoes – not trainers or boots
Shoes must be lace-up for boys
Not applicable
White T-shirt
Black shorts or jogging bottoms
Black plimsolls or trainers
PE Kit bag– not a carrier bag.
Black sweatshirt with school logo
White T-shirt
Black shorts or jogging bottoms
Black plimsolls or trainers
Black sweatshirt with school logo
Swimming costume or trunks for swimming (Year 4)
Swimming hat (Year 4)
PE Kit bag– not a carrier bag.
White T-shirt
Black shorts or jogging bottoms
Black plimsolls or trainers
Black sweatshirt with school logo
PE Kit bag– not a carrier bag.
Hairstyles should be kept neat, patterns/lines and cuts shaved into hair or eyebrows are not allowed
Hair of shoulder length or longer should be tied back
Hairstyles should be kept neat, patterns/lines and cuts shaved into hair or eyebrows are not allowed
Hair of shoulder length or longer should be tied back
Hairstyles should be kept neat, patterns/lines and cuts shaved into hair or eyebrows are not allowed
Hair of shoulder length or longer should be tied back
Hairstyles should be kept neat, patterns/lines and cuts shaved into hair or eyebrows are not allowed
Hair of shoulder length or longer should be tied back
For reasons of health and safety, children cannot wear necklaces, bracelets and rings. Sensible stud earrings are permitted. Watches may be worn but these must be analogue.
Nail varnish or make up should not be worn at any time.