Year 2 Performance Assembly
This term, Year 2 did a special Performance Assembly for our parents.
We had really enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London, so we decided to use this for the theme of our Assembly. Our narrators told the story of the Great Fire really clearly. Thomas Farriner, the baker, and Samuel Pepys, a diary writer, made star appearances. In the middle of our performance, a group of dancers showed off their individual moves to ‘Disco Inferno’. We sang ‘London's Burning’ in English and Spanish and finished off with a joyful version of ‘Firework’ by Katy Perry, including dancers with ribbons who twirled unique patterns that actually looked like fireworks. At the end, we reminded parents about the importance of having a smoke alarm and being safe around fire.
We were all delighted to be able to perform finally to our families. It was lovely for us to see so many of our parents watching our performance.
Thank you everyone for coming!