St.Stephen's School

Summer ART

This Summer Term has been very exciting for Art. All year groups has been working really hard to expand on their drawing and artistic skills. Some of the completed artworks are now being exhibited at the UEL  (University of East London), in Beckton.

Year 1 have been inspired by Anslem Kiefer’s structures. They have worked with Andrew Mutter, an Art Specialist, to produce pastel compositions and clay tiles that represent buildings.

Year 3 have been looking at the effects of plastic  on our environment. They have created collaborative year group sculptures that symbolise ‘Save Our Planet’, which has been made using household plastics.

Our More Able  Artists have produced pastel monochrome portraits of people from around the world. They have also used a variety of line textures to complete portraits of some of our members of staff.

Children have also submitted drawings for a drawing competition held in Summer 1.

Prizes will be given for the best entries!