St.Stephen's School

SEND Parent Forum- The Hub

On Tuesday 14th September, the Primary SEND team, (Esther, Tess and Mina) had the pleasure of hosting a Parent Forum for parents of pupils who attend our school SEND hub morning sessions. The hub is a special classroom, which meets the needs of pupils with SEND through bespoke curriculum lessons, speech and language intervention and enrichment opportunities. Each morning, 10 children from across our school attend morning curriculum lessons in the hub with our SEND teacher, Tess and Hub Manager, Mina. During these sessions, the children receive bespoke English and Maths lessons that meet their specific needs and prepare them for time learning alongside their peers in the afternoons.

The SEN team team enjoyed sharing the children’s work, including writing, drawing, collages, maths work and lots more. We look forward to working together with parents this year to ensure all pupils meet their full potential and beyond!