Our Jubilee Gallery
As part of our week of celebration for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, each class in our school immersed themselves in an Art project of their own choosing. Every year group chose a different subject matter to create, but each was tied to the theme of Queen Elizabeth II. Each piece of art was inspired by a style/artist that they had already studied this academic year. Some year groups chose to do portraits of the Queen and the Royal Family. Others chose to create things that are closely associated with our monarch such as her corgis and the crown jewels. From Nursery to Year 6, each year group put in an incredible amount of effort to create something beautiful in commemoration of this historic event.
To celebrate this effort, on Thursday 16th June, a gallery was put on to showcase the brilliant work of the children at our school. The children, parents and members of the local community were invited to visit the gallery, where they were welcomed by the choir singing the National Anthem. Everyone was very impressed by the fantastic art work that had been produced. The children and wider school community are very proud of what they have achieved! Thank you to all the parents, carers and families who attended.