St.Stephen's School

Newham Community Renewal Programme

During the spring term St. Stephen's Young Ambassador team continued their project on homelessness and volunteered for a local charity 'Newham Community Renewal Programme.'

Six children each week visited the local food bank and helped other volunteers to group together sets of vegetables, canned food and dry goods, like rice, pasta and noodles for people in need of additional food. As well as this, they played with some of the small children who came with their parents to collect food and helped them to have a fun time whilst they were there.
Each of our Young Ambassadors returned to school energised and enthusiastic about helping others, and were eager to tell their friends and class mates what they had been doing.
We could not have done this without the help of our school governor Shashanka Jana who joined the children each week to assist with the volunteering. We are looking forward to continuing our project with the Newham Community renewal programme during the summer term.
Young Ambassador Team

Help at RAMP april 2017