Global Goals and Sustainability
The Article 12 had a meeting and unanimously agreed that we all need to do more to save our planet.
Article 12- Every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously.
They researched Global Goals and decided that we need to work together to make a change.
We listened to their views and decided to get the whole school federation involved in a themed Global Goals week.
The children voted for the Global Goal they wanted to learn about, this ranged from Zero Hunger, Clean Water and Sanitation, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Climate Action, Life below Water and Life on Land.
See below for photos and videos from the week.
To find out more please click on the link below.
In the Nursery the children learnt about Life Below Water- Global Goal 14. They have all pledged to look after all the animals that live in our school pond.
In Reception the children learnt about Life On Land - Global Goal 15. They were lucky enough to watch eggs hatch into chicks, they cleaned their cage and made sure the chicks had enough food to eat.

In Year 1 the children learnt about Life Below Water- Global Goal 14. They learnt all about plastic pollution and designed and made canvas bags, which they will now use instead of plastic bags.

In Year 2 the children learnt about Clean Water and Sanitation- Global Goal 6. They learnt all about how some people around the world don't have access to clean water and have to drink contaminated water, which can give them diseases such as Malaria. They decided to do some fundraising to raise money to fund a water pump in India.

In Year 3 the children learnt about Zero Hunger- Global Goal 2. They have all pledged to eat all the food that is on their plate.

In Year 4 the children learnt about Sustainable Cities and Communities -Global Goal 11. The children have pledged to give clothes that no longer fit to younger members of the family or to charity. They also made bags out of old T-shirts.
In Year 5 the children learnt about Sustainable Cities and Communities -Global Goal 11. They learnt all about fast fashion and wrote letters to leaders in fashion around the world about their concerns fast fashion is causing the environment.
In Year 6 the children learnt about Climate Action -Global Goal 13. They held a protest and interviewed parents to stop them from idling as it is polluting the air and affecting about lungs. They will continue to monitor that the parents switch off their car engines!