Dot Dot Dance Speech and Language Parent Workshop
This term we have been fortunate enough to collaborate with Dot Dot Dance, an organisation that specialises in dance and movement in early years. Dot Dot Dance have worked together with our school to devise an amazing five week programme for our children in Nursery and Reception.
For our last session this week, we invited parents and carers to a Dot Dot Dance workshop which was run by a dance specialist Jon , SENDCO Tess and SEND manager Michaela. This session gave parents an opportunity to find out more about the Dot Dot Dance sessions, our School Development Plan and how the interventions supported their child’s learning and development. The workshop outlined how the session helped children develop their basic skills such as: fine motor and gross motor skills, speech and language, listening and joint attention skills, confidence and self-expression. Parents even had the opportunity to have a taster of some fun dance-themed activities before their children arrived and they were able to take part in the session alongside their child.
Thank you to all the parents in Nursery and Reception who came along and celebrated the children's achievements!