St.Stephen's School

Dad’s Morning

On Friday 17th June we were delighted to host all our Dad’s and Male Carer’s for two picnics in the glorious sunshine of our school garden. It was wonderful to see so many join us for the breakfast picnic, with its pancakes and pastries; or the picnic lunch, with delicious sandwiches and wraps - some very lucky guests even got to enjoy both! 


It was great to hear that so many of you enjoyed spending this quality time with your children. Here are some quotes from those who joined us on the day:


“Thanks for providing the opportunity to spend some great time with our children.”


“We really enjoyed it! It was refreshing to spend time with our children outside of home and in their school!”


“An absolutely fabulous day. A great opportunity for us dads to be more involved in the school. Thank you to all of the   staff for their amazing work.”


“An amazing event! Thank you for such an event. Very proud to have my children go to St. Stephen’s school!”