Children in Need
Thanks to all of the parents, children and staff at the school we were able to raise a whopping £1500. Not only this we were fortunate enough to have been given a £500 donation from an investment bank, which has given us the unbelievable total of £2000 for Children in Need.
It all started when we were sent the Champions for change pack from Children in Need asking the children to set up projects to start our own race to raise the most money. With our student council taking the lead, it was not long before each classes project was up and running. The entrepreneurs of the school shone in glory as they discussed which products would be best, when would be best to sell them and how much money they could charge (making sure of course that they weren’t too pricy and that a good profit would be made for the charity).
The day finally came: Pupils brought in £1 to dress in non-school uniform and how exciting it was to see them looking so smart in their chosen clothes. Events started to pop up throughout the school. Year 2 sent their best business spokespeople to sell tickets to their cinema and popcorn event, Year 3 encouraged pupils to donate money for a lucky dip and Year 4HA took to the playground at break time to sell fruit salads that they had prepared earlier. At lunch time children had a democratically voted dessert choice and many donated small change for this. Towards the end of the day parents flocked in to see their children perform and what an amazing turnout it was. Reception children sang songs that they had been learning in phonics, Year 4DK performed a piece of drama based around the timetables that they had been learning and Year 1 astounded the crowds with their fantastic dance to Peanut Butter Jelly, raising the most money of all.
Outside Year 5 and 6 set up stalls selling cakes, origami and tickets to play football and our extremely generous parents made sure that each stall sold out of all of its products.
What a wonderful day it was and how proud we all are of raising such a fantastic amount of money for Children in Need.