St.Stephen's School

Ada Lovelace Day

Year 5 had a great time celebrating Ada Lovelace day with staff from J.P.Morgan. Ada Lovelace was the world’s first computer programmer. She realised that a computer could do anything, given the right instructions. Inspired by her, we programmed our own poetry generator! Skilled computing staff from J.P.Morgan guided us step by step as we used the online Scratch project. The first set of Ipads we used were not compatible with the project, but luckily James came to the rescue with another set and we raced ahead. We coded an online version of Ada to make her perform a poem with several variables. We finished of the projects by adding sound effects and animation. The J.P.Morgan staff couldn’t decide on who to give the prize to for the best programming because we were all so good. Luckily they had enough prizes for everyone taking part.