St.Stephen's School

More able

More Able

At St. Stephen’s Primary School, all children are valued for their individual strengths, talents and special abilities, whether this is in a core curriculum subject or in any other area.

We understand that all children, including the more-able pupils, require support and challenge in their learning in order to make progress and reach their full potential. Here at St. Stephen’s, we use the term ‘more-able’ to refer to pupils who demonstrate or have the potential to work at a standard well above their peers; this meaning that they are exceeding the National Curriculum expectations for their age. This may be in one or more areas of learning.

Provision for more-able pupils

We strongly believe that engaging teaching and learning for all is the key to securing achievement for every child. Through creative curriculum activities, more-able pupils are given a wide variety of exciting challenges and experiences, developing the ability to question, explain, persevere, communicate their thoughts, and take risks in their learning whilst building relationships.


In addition to these experiences, we also offer opportunities for children to take part in enhancement activities, such as projects with specialist staff members and taking part in Brilliant Club. This helps the children to develop confidence and leadership skills. Pupils demonstrating exceptional ability will also be encouraged to take a full part in extracurricular activities.