St.Stephen's School

Class 6AQ

Welcome to 6AQ, an exceptional class full of inspirational and unique children. We have a dedicated class teacher, Amina Qureshi and have the support of Krupali Trivedi, our senior support staff member. 

We know that the move to Year 6 is a significant one, but we are extremely excited about what the year will bring. It will be a challenging yet rewarding year, filled with fantastic learning opportunities and wonderful experiences. 

Our immersive curriculum includes; conducting exciting experiments as part of our Science topics; learning all about life in the past in History; and improving our understanding of the globe and its many processes in Geography. We also can’t wait to explore more of our imaginative and artistic sides with projects based on a variety of inspirational artists and art movements.

With SATs scheduled for May, we are ready to put in lots of hard work, perseverance and determination over the next 9 months in order to be well prepared and achieve our potential. 

In every area of school life we will follow our WE CARE charter; we will always try our hardest, we will be respectful to friends and adults and we will look after ourselves. We will make the most of every day and do it with a smile and positivity. 

We are extremely excited about the year ahead and we very much look forward to sharing and celebrating all that we have learnt with you!



Class 6AQ

St. Stephen’s WE CARE Rights and Responsibilities   

At St. Stephen’s Federation, we believe that all our pupils, staff and school community share the same WE CARE rights. 

The class rules are created and agreed with all the children in the class. 

WE CARE Rights

Our Defined Charter


To be safe, happy and healthy

We will: stay hydrated to keep our bodies healthy.


To share our views and listen to others.

We will: express our views in a positive way.


To be polite and use our manners at all times.

We will: remind others of good habits.


To understand and appreciate each other, no matter who or where we come from.

We will: treat everyone fairly and equally.


To treat others, ourselves and our environment with kindness.

We will: treat others the way we want to be treated.


To aspire and achieve our potential and beyond.

We will: not give up on our ambitions.